And more often than not - this revenge men. Which left us dropped out, behave like something is wrong, as if we had changed. One American even deprived of propellant-wife betrayed his male dignity. But this level of the bloody cases. There are other options for vengeance, causing light bodily injury, the collapse of furniture in the apartments former lovers, etc., but now we have a different story. About retaliation to a thin level.
Revenge for Big
Revenge on the big - so, for example, to marry another. If former finance or lover threw changed, left ... So, at any rate, might be seen as some women. Although perhaps typical of this trend is still more times past. When my grandmother found out in time for changes her bridegroom (or rather, simply came rumors that she had not even become pereproveryat), it came as it seemed, proudly: married love. In turn, he was in love with her grandmother.
The situation is a Romance, has been repeatedly described in fiction. Life grandmother in the family's new husband lasted about half, after which she swooped passport and a minimum of things granular in Moscow (it took place in Ukraine), not leaving any information about themselves. Here in a couple of years grandmother met his true love - my grandfather. With whom and lived for many years. But that is another story.
In fact, when the woman of parting commits such an important step taken in order to avenge it in "that he learned", it somehow avenges himself.
Either marriage disintegrates, or it is unhappy in it for many years ... Is that to say then: "No, I was given another ..." If whom say ...
I remember after the boy left me - my first love, spite him, I gulp novel with one of his best friends. Inside sat me suggest that this is ON know, and ... What will happen exactly, I do not represented, but the soul warming purely vindictive flame.
Roman themselves lasted four months and was somehow… artificial. Heart grelo not, as they say. Drug, in turn, on the one hand, realized who it is I like for real, on the other - very afraid that Comrade know. Men's solidarity, by the way, is a great thing. In general, if the object of my love did pronyuhal (not without my participation as a skilful manipulation through third parties) that the New Year I said it is in the house of his friend, the last struhnul and "rejects" with displays of everything at a disadvantage for me light . In another, I immediately cut off and not talked a long time, but did not get the desired effect.
In general, as a rule, this kind of revenge unproductive. While - again appeal to the fiction and life - and such stories are known, when a lady, after of parting with the beloved, marries for someone who has long been praised her, waited ... and others. I proved in the end, happy in the marriage. And then "I was given another" sound in a very different context than the source.
The second kind of revenge for a much more productive mstitelnitsy. The achievement in the life of some tremendous successes: the material, career and creative, "that he appreciated and understood", who has lost. Some psychotherapists sometimes primitiviziruyut this point, saying the patient: "Do you imagine, as you pass by passing it on the smart car in a class guy ..."
In fact, not everything is so primitive. No one familiar one, too, abandoned in their time of first love, said: "I met him several years later, he has achieved nothing, and I ..." -- and the list went beyond its achievements and merit. Dos she could think sogrelo. And remember the episode of the people adored the movie "Moscow does not believe the tears" when heroine Alentovoy, director of the plant, its drop-outs hero explains that if she so much in their time obozhglas not, it would not have achieved anything ... Such revenge productive, especially for the man himself.
But with regard to retaliation in the form: "I want to see the daughter" - and refusing to answer - that sometimes such revenge can be questionable (not in this case). In each situation in its own way, of course, but sometimes revenge through manipulation of children becomes very unsightly from all points of view, kind of.
And in general, art and life from time to time podkidyvayut scenes when he returns, many years later, struck and was surprised his girlfriend, now successful, prosperous and more beautiful .. and happy-end.
After all, life is very variativna.
And if he returns?
One way of revenge - is not taken. This can enjoy long, nurturing a sense of pride (or pride). However, and look inward. If people really roads, why not try again to resume the relationship? Pre still pomuchiv and vindictive ponaslazhdayas these sweet taste. Main pereigrat not.
Revenge for shallow -
This is another revenge, with certain brief action. One of its varieties - revenge on those ladies who meet with married men. In moments of cooling whether provisional of parting, or even with a sense of hopelessness irritable, they can do something, "wife to learn." In order Islands bank.
Classic music genre - sending a legitimate wife envelope with the photographs. As did my friend's one where relations with the beloved were in a position to the next crisis.
In doing so, it seemed that a facilitated by a legitimate wife. Revenge such like and how would double - and his quiet, and vinovnitse lack of harmony.
As a result, nothing special has not happened. Shortly familiar itself went from beloved. True, they later became friends ... A feeling of joy vindictive sogrelo girl twice - during selection of photographs and sealing the envelope and upon receiving news that the envelope reached the addressee.
Again, variativna life. My long-distant relative of the once done in such a situation the same number. But it was probably not revenge, a game-wah Bank, and she won. For photos became the catalyst is already obsolete with the lawful wife. But that is another story.
When all koncheno already.
You can proudly and suffer in silence (remember the movie "In my death I ask blame Clave Q:" What should I do now? - Stradat "). But some still want to finely turn treacherous. For example, he finally declare that in bed he's very weak and unexpressive. It is very brutal way. I do it, you should understand that the relationship is already unlikely to recover.
There are style and action in a minor vandalism. For example, an aerosol machine raspisyvanie "former" explaining who he really is.
And one, my friend's simply placed the ad on behalf of a former lover at… gay website. With the number of home phone, by the way. On the number of responses and reactions, however, has not learned, because not rassekretilas. In fact, many girls operate this way, using current advanced technology in the form of the Internet.
Well, albeit controversial, but sometimes they say that small revenge former lover, or husband facilitates a sense of the gap. Sometimes on the weekends I look fragments transfer of ex-wives club ", where the leading lady, after helping to reach a divorce. Along with other elements of the image there is a change, promotion implement a dream, organizing meetings with the "beautiful man".
Leading sometimes some element of revenge invent. For example, they usladili heart of one heroine, whose husband refused to come to a planned program in a farewell meeting, a poster-Caltech, posted near the work of the ex-spouse. Transparent contained a portrait of the hero and the inscription, in the spirit of what practicing dangerous for women, because all decisions taken only in conjunction with Mom (the topic has been in a situation of acute former spouses). So there are no restrictions for fantasy.
Not retaliate or take revenge - each own business. No better if revenge will be a constructive, productive (see above). Or petty, but make it easy for the soul. It does not look too silly and not get involved.
For everything to do with beauty and elegance. As befits this woman.
Or you may need not take revenge, but simply forget ... But this, again, is just another story.
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